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Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density


This is part of the HSC Physics course under the topic Electromagnetic Induction.

HSC Physics Syllabus

  • describe how magnetic flux can change, with reference to the relationship ϕ=BA=BAcosθ (ACSPH083, ACSPH107, ACSPH109)

Magnetic Flux and Flux Density

This video explores what magnetic flux is and how it changes with reference to the relationship ϕ=BA=BAcosθ.


What is Magnetic Flux and Flux Density?

Magnetic flux is a measurement of the total number of magnetic field lines passing through a given area. Flux density is a measurement of the density of magnetic field lines. It is another name for the magnetic field strength B. So, Magnetic flux in a given area equals the flux density multiplied by the area.

Magnetic flux (in Webers, Wb) is given by:





  • B is the magnetic field strength in Teslas (T) or Wb m–2.
  • A is the area of the conductor through which magnetic field lines project in metres squared (m2)
  • θ is the angle between the magnetic field lines and the normal area of the area



From this equation, we deduce that:

  • when the surface is parallel to the magnetic field lines, its normal is perpendicular to the magnetic field (θ=90°), thus the magnetic flux is zero.
  • when the surface is perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, its normal is parallel to the magnetic field (θ=0°), thus the magnetic flux is maximum. 

Changes in Magnetic Flux


Any changes to the area, magnetic field strength and angle θ results in a change in magnetic flux passing through the given area of a conductor.



For example, a change in magnetic flux occurs when the area moved to a location with differing magnetic flux, either higher or lower.

In the diagram above, a rectangular coil is moved out of a uniform magnetic field (directed into the page). As a result, the coil experiences a decrease in flux. 



Previous section: Interaction Between Two Parallel Current-carrying Conductors

Next section: Faraday's Law of Induction